View クラス
The View class acts as an object wrapper for HTML pages with embedded PHP, called "views".
Variables can be assigned with the view object and referenced locally within the view.
Read more about using views.
__construct($file = null, $data = null, $filter = null)
静的 |
No |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$file |
the view filename, if not supplied you must supply it later through set_filename or supply it in render. View files should be relative to the app/views directory. |
$data |
array of values |
$filter |
set to true or false to set auto encoding, defaults to main config setting (app/config/config.php) |
返り値 |
a new View object |
例 |
$view = new View('path/to/view', array(
'menu' => $menu,
'articles' => $articles,
'footer_links' => $footer_links,
forge($file = null, $data = null, $filter = null)
The forge method returns a new View object.
静的 |
はい |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$file |
the view filename, if not supplied you must supply it later through set_filename or supply it in render. View files should be relative to the app/views directory and be supplied without the .php file extension. |
$data |
array of values |
$filter |
tet to true or false to set auto encoding, defaults to main config setting (app/config/config.php) |
返り値 |
a new View object |
例 |
// Will create a View object for APPPATH/
$view = View::forge('path/to/view', array(
'menu' => $menu,
'articles' => $articles,
'footer_links' => $footer_links,
auto_filter($filter = true)
The auto_filter method sets whether to encode the data or not on a View instance.
静的 |
No |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$filter |
whether to encode the data or not on a View instance |
返り値 |
Current View object |
例 |
$view = View::forge('path/to/view', array(
'menu' => $menu,
'articles' => $articles,
'footer_links' => $footer_links,
// or set it to false
// or chain it
$view = View::forge('path/to/view', array(
'menu' => $menu,
'articles' => $articles,
'footer_links' => $footer_links,
The set_filename method allows you to set or change the view filename.
静的 |
No |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$file |
必須 |
the view filename, view files should be relative to the app/views directory and be supplied without the .php extension. |
返り値 |
Current View object |
例 |
$view = new View();
get($key = null, $default = null)
The get method retrieves one or all variables set on a view.
静的 |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$key |
variable name |
$default |
default value to return if the variable isn't set |
Returns |
mixed |
Example |
// create a view and set some data
$view = new View;
$view->set(array('field1' => 'value1', 'field2' => 'value2');
// get a single value
$field1 = $view->get('field1');
// get a single value, set a default if the field does not exist
$field3 = $view->get('field3', 'value3');
// get all values
$fields = $view->get();
set($key, $value = null, $filter = null)
The set method assigns a variable to a view.
静的 |
No |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$key |
必須 |
variable name or array of variables |
$value |
the value |
$filter |
set to true or false to encoding, defaults to main auto encoding setting |
返り値 |
Current View object |
例 |
$view = new View;
$view->set('users', $users, false);
// or set an array
'users' => $users,
'articles' => $articles,
), null, true);
// If you need HTML / Javascript passed you need to set the last param to false
// when output encoding is enabled.
$view->set('example', '<h1>Heading</h1>', false);
set_safe($key, $value = null)
The same as set()
, except this defaults to not-encoding the variable on output.
静的 |
No |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$key |
必須 |
variable name or array of variables |
$value |
the value |
返り値 |
Current View object |
例 |
$view = new View;
$view->set_safe('users', $users);
// or set an array
'users' => $users,
'articles' => $articles,
), null);
set_global($key, $value = null, $filter = null)
The set_global method sets a variable accessible for all views.
静的 |
はい |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$key |
必須 |
variable name or array of variables |
$value |
the value |
$filter |
set to true or false to encoding, defaults to main auto encoding setting |
返り値 |
Void |
例 |
View::set_global('users', $users, false);
// or set an array
'users' => $users,
'articles' => $articles,
), null, true);
bind($key, $value = null)
Assigns a value by reference. The benefit of binding is that values can be altered without re-setting
them. It is also possible to bind variables before they have values. Assigned values will be available
as a variable within the view file.
Please note: these cannot be cleaned by output encoding and should thus be considered unsafe.
静的 |
No |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$key |
必須 |
variable name or array of variables |
$value |
the value |
返り値 |
Current View object |
例 |
$view = new View;
$view->bind('users', $users, false);
// or set an array
'users' => $users,
'articles' => $articles,
), null, true);
bind_global($key, $value = null)
The bind_global method assigns a global variable by reference accessible for all views.
Please note: these cannot be cleaned by output encoding and should thus be considered unsafe.
静的 |
はい |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
規定値 |
説明 |
$key |
必須 |
variable name |
$value |
必須 |
the value |
返り値 |
Void |
例 |
View::bind_global('users', $users);
render($file = null)
The set method renders the view object to a string.
Global and local data are merged and extracted to create local variables within the view file.
静的 |
No |
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
型 |
規定値 |
説明 |
$file |
string |
the view filename without the extension |
返り値 |
the rendered view file |
例 |
$html = View::forge()->render('path/to/view');
// or
$html = View::forge('path/to/view')->render();
// or
$html = View::forge()->set_filename('path/to/view')->render();
Procedural helpers
render($view, $data = array(), $auto_filter = null)
The render function is an alias for View::render.
パラメータ |
パラメータ |
型 |
規定値 |
説明 |
$view |
string |
必須 |
the view filename without the extension |
$data |
array |
an array of data to be passed to the view |
$auto_filter |
bool |
whether to filter the data or not |
返り値 |
string, the result from View::render |
例 |
$html = render('path/to/view', $data_array);